Monday, August 24, 2009

The One Where the Grumpy Teenagers go Back to School

The first day of school was met in my house with a decided lack of enthusiasm.

Grumpy Teen #1 is of the opinion that ANY day that does not involve sleeping until Noon and laying around on the couch, simultaneously watching some atrocious TV show (like "Secret Life of the American Teenager" -- the writers on that show need to be taken out and shot), and texting and Facebooking and Twittering, is a BAD day. I told her she has a lot of BAD days coming up in her life.

She and her friends decided to show their rebellion against school by, get this, NOT wearing anything cute on the first day. "We're just gonna, like, wear just jeans and like, a concert t-shirt." Ooooh. I am sure everyone at the high school will feel sufficiently slapped in the face.

Grumpy Teen #2 dragged himself from the basement, where he has been playing video games since early June. I think his only words to me all Summer were, "Why do I have to shower? It's stupid."

OK,we all know that Jr. High sucks. It is pretty much the worst few years that anyone has to endure. If there was anyone who deserves Jr. High, it's this kid, who obviously kidnapped my sweet, adorable son and replaced him with this unshowering, non-verbal basement dweller.

Miraculously, Grumpy Teen #2 showered without any nagging, and emerged looking quite respectable for his first day of Jr. High. I am still not sure why I cried... but maybe it was the showering. In the midst of my tears, I had an unstoppable desire to walk him to the bus stop. Obviously, that would have been social sucicide for him. I momentarily considered driving to the school and helping him find all those classes. He has no idea how to do this, I am sure of that. But I realized, there HAS to be someone at that school who is specifically assigned to find all the basement-dwelling, non-verbal, clueless boys and escort them to the right rooms.

So, here it is, another chapter in the continual process of letting go. I don't like it a bit, and to protest, I am totally not wearing anything cute today.


  1. i never wear anything cute any day, so i'm slappin everyone, everyday! the era when the boy becomes a 'schroom..lives in the dark, cold depths of the house every waking moment, can last a while. usually when it dawns on him that women are a part of his life, in a good way, then he will climb those stairs, however, i do know one guy that still spends most of his time 'schroomin, in spite of his love of girls cause its just alot easier & cheaper! (he is not a member of my family)

  2. Kelley great Blog. Keep it up. I cant wait to see you. Jason

  3. Jason turns 40 in three

  4. I just heard 40 is the new 25 so thing are looking up.....

  5. High five to Grumpy Teenager #1 for STICKING IT TO THE MAN!!!! by not wearing anything cute. God why didn't I think of that?

  6. So, my 16 year old daughter went shopping five times and obsessed over what would be her "first day of school" outfit. She ended up choosing one that had blue shoes that matched the half sweater thingy exactly. She modeled her outfit for me three times before the big day.
    Here was my 14 year old 9th grade boy's shopping experience: "Why do I need new clothes? I still have my 8th grade clothes?" We compromised. He wore his old favorite pair of Bermuda shorts with a sparkling new Chuck Norris t-shirt. It worked.
    See ya!

  7. I see the boy dancing around the living room to Elvis!
    Do you have video of that?
